Values Move About
Equipment list
Nothing is really required for this PAL activity.
If desired, you can use three whiteboards to create answering areas using the following: Agree, Disagree, Undecided
Class-created list of value statements*
*Light examples could include "pineapple belongs on pizza", or "sweater weather is the best weather" etc.) But use whatever is applicable and appropriate for your class.
This is an interactive PAL activity that promotes movement and supports student exploration of values.
Establish 3 answering areas (agree, disagree, or undecided) by either assigning particular areas of the learning area to each, or by placing the labelled whiteboards in chosen locations.
The students stand in a group in the centre area.
The teacher reads aloud a value statement, and the students move to the answering area that aligns with their values.
After each value statement has been read aloud and the students have moved to their answering area, students can be partnered-up either with someone in the same answering area or perhaps a different one for a walk and talk debrief of their position.
For the partner walk and talk, invite students to walk a lap of the learning area before returning to the centre.
Pair groups may wish to share their key take-aways from their debrief conversations with the whole class.
The process continues as long as desired.
ASK ID 2024-01-26-002-E